Sunday, March 24, 2013


Puppets Rescued by IncaLink Interns!!

At 9pm last night the TKA puppets were recovered safely by IncaLink operatives.  The clandestine mission was carried out within the recently completed, fortress-like Quito International Airport.  The missing baggage was spotted through a window by forces on the ground.  A lone member of airport personell offered no resistance amidst the ensuing verbal barrage, releasing the captives unconditionally.

The puppets seem none the worse for wear after the ordeal, except for Lars, whose hair seems to have turned blue.  They will be traveling with the rest of the group to Huaticocha this morning.  Pray for safe passage, as a bridge washed out last week.  The group will have to transfer their luggage across a foot bridge where another bus will pick us up. 

The entire team will be worshipping with members of the Huaticocha community tonight.  Pray for relationships and the presence of God's spirit as we begin our ministry in the jungle!


  1. Hurray! So glad that our cousins will be joining you in Ecuador!


    1. So excited for you guys!!! i know that you will bless whomever you come in contact with and i pray you will be blessed in turn. remember "just say yes", and be adventurous! praying for your safety and that the humidity doesnt go to your heads hehe

      rebecca lysaght (ecuador alum :) )
