Saturday, March 30, 2013

El Dia Final

Hi Mom and Dad,
Just wanted to check in with you before I return home. As the last day dawns upon us, so far I have had an exhilarating time in Ecuador. It has been a blessing to be able to participate in tourist activities as well as aid God's helping hand to heal and strengthen the community in Huaticocha. I am sure you are interested in knowing the work/ministry involved and the extent of my participation. Mostly everyday, conditions permitting, we (I, inclusive) would arduously dig a meter cubed hold out of ruddy damp clay. In the afternoons, we would board a bus to traverse through the unpaved roads of the jungle to arrive at schools or other places of ministry. On location, we would entertain the village children by putting on shows for them which followed Biblical themes (a.k.a VBS). Within our groups we would perform different parts of show. I was involved in the puppet team, which I found was the most heat inducing, due to the excessive body heat we all emitted in a 8 foot by 2 foot stage. On the last day, a trial confronted us. A teacher, whose I identity shall remain unknown due to her forgetfulness and her lack of responsibility (take no offense, and give me some literary freedom). Mrs. Hahn forgot to bring her iPod, which held the success of our show. Due to this unforeseen mistake, we decided to do the puppet show live, which meant we had to speak the lines instead of lip syncing the puppets mouths to the vocals on the audio track. From this mistake, the live show revealed some hidden talents within our show. Not to be boastful at all, I received a few comments regarding my mediocre performance. In the end, it revealed some hidden qualities and Mrs. Hahn actually had her iPod in her backpack the entire time. For the tourist activities, I have enjoyed the tourist attractions and I have purchased some items for you. Wish me luck on the way back, as I am the black sheep who needs to go in international immigration line. Hopefully, I will make it back.

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