Saturday, April 7, 2012

Ecuador is legend what for it... Dary

lots of things happend in the jungle the first day we went to a church survice that wiill always be a memorable time in my life this is because that was when i gave my testimony. it was hard for me to talk about the things that happend in my life with my fellow piers because it was all about times i leaned on god. and that was the  very first time i ever talked about the death of my cousin who was like a brother to me. that was an especially hard time because for a small amount of time i denied god all together. but through this expirience of sharing my testimony a huge weight was lifted from me. i think of that as my baggage and everyone has some and through this time of sharing my testimony my fellow piers were able to help me with my baggage. the work was very had but at the end i was told i was diging a trentch for the sewer line. andv i thoght for a minnute and saw that if i did not do the work that i did they would not even have a flushing toilet. there was something really funny that happend on the bus. it fell into a trentch of mud it was really fun falling when we wee on the bus all of usv are safe and thankfully it was not a cliff.Tonight we had devotions as well and i told everyone about how they helped me lift my baggage and that it helped me so much and i also told them about the first ecuador meeting and how i thought this would be a boring service trip because all these people who are comming to ecuador i have no clue who they are at all and through this expirience i hqave made so many friendships that i will always keep and now i see the people here as really good friends .so i had a fun time and eveything and for my brither and cousins the jungle was legond wait for it best wishes to all my familly...Dairy.
                                                                            enrique falk
  P.S. if my parents are reading this blog i love all of you guys and tell the familly that i miss them all ad that i was so thankful for the devotions that they wrote me. and tell lil Angelica that i read her devotional and i thought about it alot and i fell that me and her need to hang out more so we can restore the closness that we had with each other. i am very sad that i do not get to spend easter sunday but my spirit will be there just remember that. be sure to giuve the familly my love.
                                                   your son that is your favorite( Enrique Falk)

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