Sunday, April 20, 2014

¡Felices Pascuas!

Happy Easter to all of you back at home. I have had an interesting week here in Ecuador, to put in the most vague way. I remember staying up packing util leaving for the airport as just yesterday. Now you are likely asking, "How was your experience different this year?" It's new. Upon arriving in the Huaticocha, we met Mark and Cheryl Shaffer which were not present for the main part of our time in the jungle. They have blessed us with their newly open school, their open hearts, and their love for missions. But adjusting to their schedule was hard as it followed the strict Instituto de Ninawachi timetable the students were on for their school. Yet, I am dumbfounded by my ability to be a morning person on this trip, consistently waking up at 6:12 each morning. The work was different this year and more effectively delegated. I attempted to mix cement, tried to dig ditches for electrical wire, and made it convincing enough that I was cutting down enough foliage with my machete. I would consider it a job well done. The food was mostly the same, except for that delightful Good Friday Fish Soup con Tail, which was graciously left off the menu (shout out to Cole). I also feel so blessed to be fed a varied diet (thanks mom), or I might have ended up eating mucho arroz, like a special character we were lucky to have. In addition, I was disappointed there were showers installed which only worked half of the time due to ratio of city water pressure and the amount of rain collected. I just prefer river showers, and one did occur on the last day. So, I apologize in advance for any scandalous pictures appearing in the interwebs or on fundraising material. On the same track, I feel I have broken a lot of social barriers on this trip. I abstained from my wallflower-ish social attitude, and my zombie-like hunger for technology. It's amazing what you talk about in a room full of 8 guys, or in a car filled well above its maximum occupancy limit, or a room full of poisonous spiders, or in game of UNO that may have lasted for an eternity, or a jam session with pre-amateur guitar players. It has been an amazing experience of which some, I have put into words.

Iain Bromley (Ignacio)

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