Happy Easter! The Lord has risen from the dead, He is alive!
As I think about the beauty of today and the happiness believers can experience from this special occasion, my heart breaks for those who do not know the true meaning. So many people in the world, including those in the deepest parts of the jungle, have no idea of what we are truly celebrating. Many think of today as the day to dress up and celebrate with Easter bunnies and colored eggs. But our Lord has risen, and brought us hope, joy, and life through Him! How much greater is that than anything else this world can offer?
Heading into our last full day here is Quito, I have sentimental feelings. Feelings of joy that I have been able to return and see how God has continued working in the lives of the Ecuadorian people through the courageous missionaries here. Yet so very broken and sad all the more. Last year, when I left Ecuador, I went away with the idea of becoming a missionary here is Ecuador on my heart. I saw being a missionary as something joyful, full of fun times and pleasure in Christ. This year's trip has opened my eyes to the spiritual warfare and hardships one experiences of the mission field. There is just so much more work to do here, and seeing the people and the need makes me feel melancholy about leaving. I wish I could stay here always and serve the people here. They need to hear the Gospel so badly and do not even know of their need. However, amiss these sad feelings, I know I am leaving having planted seeds in the hearts of many. More children responded to the call for salvation than I could have imagined. Although this trip is definitely what I came into it expecting, I am so grateful for how it turned out. I have seen God work in mysterious ways and have been changed because of it. The people in Huaticocha, the leaders, the interns, Mr. & Mrs. Shaffer, Jim, Ulysses, our team-I will treasure these memories in my heart always.

Please continue to pray for the team and me as we head out for this last day. Pray that we can make an impact of the lives of others even though not necessarily doing any "missionary work." Pray for us tonight as we say our goodbyes to Gustavo, to the interns Abby and Annie, and to Ecuador. Pray for the continuation of the work done here in Ecuador. I wish everyone a happy Easter, and may you all truly experience the hope and renewal found in the resurrection of Jesus Christ. See you all tomorrow night!
Much love to all, Joanne